Dr. Michele Burklund Dr. Michele Burklund

The 3 Stages of Stress that your Body Goes Through

Isn't it annoying that the body reacts to stressors the same way it did in prehistoric times?! So, that big presentation you have or that fast-approaching deadline you must meet is the same physical reaction as if you were getting ready to run away from a bear.

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Dr. Michele Burklund Dr. Michele Burklund

Coming Down with a Case of the Blues?

Coming down with a case of the blues? A specific type of mood disorder that’s directly related to the change in seasons is commonly known as SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD symptoms usually occur in the autumn and winter months and include tiredness, feelings of hopelessness, overeating, and loss of motivation. These symptoms can be more prevalent in people who live farther away from the equator, and typically affect women more than men. As with many health issues, prevention is key. 

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Dr. Michele Burklund Dr. Michele Burklund

How to Make Meditation a Daily Practice

Having a daily practice of meditation has profoundly changed my life over the last 6 years. By releasing daily emotions and energies, I feel more clear, less stressed, and more at peace with whatever comes my way. Some days I will meditate for hours while other days I can only get my mind to stop for minutes and it doesn’t matter how long-just that I can quiet my mind and let myself be in the moment.

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