For Those Who Want to Venture Out On Their Own…

I created this lab shop as an extension of my clinic for those who want to venture on their own and learn more about their bodies. These are some of the tests I use often in my own clinical practice and I want you to have access to them. I truly believe that healing comes when you begin to take charge of your own health and if you’re reading this now-you’re doing it.

This is ideal for you if …

  • You’re looking for a high-quality test, accurate test that’s been vetted by a doctor.

  • You’re good at reading your body and know exactly what test you need.

  • You want to take charge of your own health and aren’t afraid to go out on your own.


Browse through Dr. Burklund’s carefully curated tests and find the one that gets you closer to the root cause.


Click on the test, add it to your cart, enter your personal details, pay and have it arrive at your door.


Follow the instructions carefully and send the samples out to be shipped.


The DUTCH Plus™ by PRECISION ANALYTICAL (DUTCH): is a comprehensive test that assesses your sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites. It also looks at your Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR). This test can help you and your healthcare provider understand how your hormones are functioning and how they may be impacting your overall health.


The Comprehensive Thyroid Profile by ZRT LABORATORY: provides a full assessment of your thyroid health. It can detect if you have hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or autoimmune thyroid disease or if you need to adjust your thyroid replacement dosage. This test is recommended for those with thyroid dysfunction and concerns about toxic element exposure or iodine/selenium deficiency.


The GI Effects® by GENOVA DIAGNOSTICS: Comprehensive Profile assesses your digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and intestinal microbiome to help identify issues with your gut health. You will collect samples over three days.


The Microbiomix test by GENOVA DIAGNOSTICS: is a comprehensive gut health assessment that assesses bacteria, fungi, protists, and archaea to evaluate your gut microbiome. The results can help your healthcare provider create a personalized plan to improve your gut health.


The DNA Methylation Pathway Profile by DOCTOR’S DATA is a genetic test that looks for changes in your DNA that could affect different functions of your body, including your body's detoxification process, your hormone balance, and how your body uses Vitamin D.


The Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Profile by DOCTOR'S DATA: investigates how your body produces and breaks down neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that help regulate mood, energy, and other functions. This test can help identify any imbalances in your neurotransmitter levels that may be contributing to symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, or depression.


Vitamin D by DOCTORS DATA is an important nutrient for your overall health. It comes in two forms - D3, which comes from animal sources and sun exposure, and D2, which comes from vegetable sources. This test measures the levels of both D2 and D3, as well as the total amount of Vitamin D in your body. Vitamin D (25OH D2 & D3)


MedCheck by DNA LIFE looks at how your body metabolizes, transports, and binds certain drugs so that your healthcare provider can prescribe medications that are more likely to be effective with fewer side effects.


The Inhalant Panel by US BIOTEK measures your body's immune response to 48 airborne allergens, including grass and tree pollen, mold, and animal dander. It is used to diagnose sensitivities, not allergies. Airborne sensitivities cause symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes. 48 Inhalant Panel: IgA/IgG/IgG4


The Intestinal Permeability Assessment by GENOVA DIAGNOSTICS measures the ability of two sugar molecules to pass through the lining of your small intestine. It is used to assess the function of your small intestinal barrier and to help diagnose malabsorption and intestinal permeability/leaky gut.


The Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity profile by DOCTOR’S DATA looks at your body's response to gluten by measuring the levels of specific antibodies in your blood. This helps to determine if you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.


The Adrenal Stress Profile by ZRT Laboratory measures the levels of two hormones in your body, DHEA-S and cortisol. This test can help assess the function of your adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing hormones that help regulate your body's response to stress.

What if…
you were willing to change unhealthy habits & limited beliefs …

you took charge of your own health …

you believed that you could feel better…

… you discovered the root cause


  • Once you click on the ‘learn more’ button, you will be taken to Dr. Burklund’s Rupa Health Lab Shop which offers all her carefully curated tests. You can browse through her shop and chose the labs you would like to order. It will take you through the checkout process where you must enter all your personal details and purchase the products. Shortly after your purchase, you will receive the test kits which will provide instructions on how to obtain your sample. After you collect your samples, you will ship them out to be processed. After several weeks the samples should be processed, and the results should arrive. You will be notified via email that the test results are in.

  • Results typically arrive 2-3 weeks after the sample are shipped out. It varies from test to test, some take longer like genetic tests while others can be faster to process. You will be notifed as soon as the results are in via email. You will have immediate access to view them.

  • Dr. Burklund will not be reviewing these labs with you as this is the self-ordering lab page focused on those who would like to do it on their own. Dr. Burklund requires a full evaluation before she provides any information on labs ordered. She believes that you can’t just view one aspect or look at one lab to make any decisions on care. If you become a patient of Dr. Burklund’s then she will review these labs with you or order additional labs to dive deeper into the root cause.

  • No, all of these tests can be delivered to your home, prepared by you, and shipped back to be processed.


Come with me on a journey to the unexplored side of medicine where we speak with rebel doctors, radical herbalists, unorthodox healers, and patients who have healed themselves. Explore the intersection between science & spirituality and discover the power within you.