Learn, Grow, Heal
If You Want To Keep Your Resolutions This Year, The Key Isn't To Change Your Goals, But Your Mindset…
The New Year is an exciting time, full of possibilities and potential to make a real change in our lives. But despite the best of intentions, many of us have a hard time getting started.
In fact, a shocking study from U.S. News and World Report showed that 80 percent of New Year's resolutions will fail by February.
Why? Because our focus is on the goal itself, rather than the mindset, feelings, and intentions behind it.
This step-by-step guide will give you the tools you need to create lasting change, to replace habits with meaningful rituals, and to thrive in 2025 and all the years ahead.
I have often discussed my passion for medicine and why I became a doctor, but I haven’t discussed my own personal health journey that happened several years ago…
I contracted leishmaniasis (the second most deadly parasite in the world) …on my face!
If you want to keep your resolutions this year, the key isn’t to change your goals, but your mindset.
Every action and intention begins with a thought…
Our thoughts are incredibly powerful, but how does one prove that?
It's so hard to be able to quantify the power of our thoughts but a study was able to prove some amazing results!
You’re not alone. It’s estimated that up to 10 percent of the population in the United States will show signs of a declining mood as the days get shorter and the temperatures drop. This popular seasoning has a place in the medicine cabinet as well as the kitchen thanks to its powerful mood-enhancing effects.
A Canadian study that was published last fall found that 1/3 of the herbal supplements tested did not contain ANY of the main herbal ingredients listed on the label. THE BIG QUESTION IS… Do you know what you’re really taking?
Well, it's a response from your immune system that mistakenly identifies airborne substances like pollen as harmful. The body then goes into action and produces antibodies to combat it. Then each time you encounter that substance (like pollen) those antibodies tell your immune system to release chemicals like histamine into your bloodstream. Then histamine causes all those annoying symptoms like headaches, itchy eyes, swelling, and congestion.
Our skin gives us a much deeper picture as to what is going on within the body, if its hormonal, environmental, toxin overload, and so much more.
The skin is the largest organ in the body, covering 22 square feet, on average. The skin also acts as a mirror for overall health. Have you ever noticed dark circles under your eyes when you don’t get enough sleep, blemishes cropping up when you’re stressed, or dull, dry skin when you aren’t eating right?
Isn't it annoying that the body reacts to stressors the same way it did in prehistoric times?! So, that big presentation you have or that fast-approaching deadline you must meet is the same physical reaction as if you were getting ready to run away from a bear.
Coming down with a case of the blues? A specific type of mood disorder that’s directly related to the change in seasons is commonly known as SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD symptoms usually occur in the autumn and winter months and include tiredness, feelings of hopelessness, overeating, and loss of motivation. These symptoms can be more prevalent in people who live farther away from the equator, and typically affect women more than men. As with many health issues, prevention is key.
Having a daily practice of meditation has profoundly changed my life over the last 6 years. By releasing daily emotions and energies, I feel more clear, less stressed, and more at peace with whatever comes my way. Some days I will meditate for hours while other days I can only get my mind to stop for minutes and it doesn’t matter how long-just that I can quiet my mind and let myself be in the moment.
These beneficial fungi offer a vast range of potentially therapeutic uses including enhancing immunity, improving cardiovascular health, promoting detoxification, boosting mood, improving digestion, stimulating memory, and nourishing the body. What makes these "magic" mushrooms so unique? For one thing, fungi and humans are actually more closely related biologically than fungi and plants! Perhaps that's why they make us feel so good.